In Slovenian with English summary, 45 minutes

Tuesday, 24 September 2024┃10.00 & 17.00

LGL Stage Under the Stars

Target audience: 5+

L'Orto delgi Ananassi (Italy)

Part of Creative Europe's project Sense (of) Sharing 

What is right and what is wrong? When and why do we feel wrong? And when does everyone say that something is wrong, but it feels right and vice versa? A strange and mysterious device is at the centre of the performance. Two even more unusual scientists arrive to conduct some experiments. They are two researchers tasked with collecting, examining, cataloguing and storing everything in the environment that is supposedly 'wrong'. Clothes, hairstyles, gestures, behaviour ... Everything the scientists intercept, do or see in their environment that they identify as "wrong" is collected, catalogued and fed into a sinister and complex machine.

Direction and cast: Ilaria Di Luca, Andrea Gambuzza┃Set and costume design: Emanuela dall'Aglio┃Light design: Lucio Diana┃Digital design: Paolo Signorini

L'Orto degli Ananassi is a laboratory of ideas, a space for creativity and exchange that aims to lay the foundations for an emancipated future. Ilaria Di Luca and Andrea Gambuzza, actors and creators trained at the most prestigious European theatre schools, are behind the project. After several years of experience in Rome, they returned to their native Livorno and put down roots in a new artistic space where they can experiment with a personal vision of theatre, develop their own expressive identity and nurture a sense of community.



(pre-festival) Among Boxes, 3+


(pre-festival) The Journey of the Good Hans Böhm Through Europe, 12+