In Spanish with Slovenian and English surtitles, 60 minutes

Monday, 23 Sep 2024┃17.00

LGL Šentjakob Stage

Target audience: 3+

Paraíso Theatre (Spain)

Part of Creative Europe's project Sense (of) Sharing 

In this production, the world becomes a big box in which we can experience great adventures. The story, in which two friends who live in boxes devise their journey to dream destinations with surprising creativity, is full of humour. Their life together is a mixture of play, daily arguments and reconciliation. Bartholomew and Comino live happily together until a third character appears and tests the strength of their friendship by stealing the boxes. Will they be able to return to the place where they were once happy and rediscover the preciousness of their friendship and imagination?

Text: Rosa A. García┃Direction: Tomás Fdez. Alonso┃Set design: Paraíso Theatre and Candela Artes Escénicas┃Costume design: Ana Fernandez┃Light design: Javier Garcia┃Translation into Basque: Patxi Zubizarreta┃Cast: Xabier Artieda, Aritz Bengoa, Xabier Flamarique┃Technical management: Asier Calahorro

The Paraíso Theatre has been around for 40 years. It defines itself as a consolidated cultural organisation that carries out a global intervention project in terms of theatre, childhood and art education, carrying out permanent activities to create and educate audiences.


(Prefestival) Čáslavská Tokyo 1964, 9+


(Prefestival) WroOng, 5+