In Slovenian with English translation, 50 minutes

Saturday, 28 Sep 2024┃15.00

LGL Šentjakob Stage

Target audience: 5+

Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Tunnel is an unusual show that seeks solace in darkness and treats light like a delicious dessert. At first it seems that the light can be controlled, but the darkness - unknown, dangerous - cannot. But in the show, the situation is soon reversed - with a dash of courage and a pinch of co-operation, we can enjoy the darkness as we please without worry.

Direction, visual and set design: Miha Golob┃Dramaturgy: Mojca Redjko┃Costume design: Dajana Ljubičić┃Music: Andrius Šiurys┃Virtual content design: Borut Kumperščak┃Light design: Gregor Kuhar┃Cast: Miha Arh, Gašper Malnar, Barbara Kanc, Filip Šebšajevič ┃Stage management, sound design and video technology: Aleš Erjavec┃Recording and sound editing: Mitja Vasič, Aleš Erjavec, Izidor Kozelj ┃Opening: 2022

Coproducer: Klaipėdos lėlių teatras

Ljubljana Puppet Theatre is the central puppet theatre in Slovenia, which celebrated its 75th anniversary last year. Every year, it puts on ten new performances for children, young audiences and adults at six venues, combining classical puppet forms with various contemporary performance practises. The theatre also takes care of the rich heritage of Slovenian puppetry, which can be seen in the Museum of Puppetry at Ljubljana Castle.



Shades of Shadows, 4+


The Donkey's Mass, 15+