In Slovenian with English surtitles, 80 minutes

Friday, 27 Sep 2024┃17.00 & 20.30

Glej Theatre

Target audience: 15+

Počemučka Collective & Glej Theatre (Slovenia)

The community of the city and the city of the community. Gathered to judge history. A history that has destroyed their dreams, desires and passions, that has ruled their time, set the rules of the game, distributed power, built a claustrophobic community full of unspoken secrets and left them only memories - painful, fleeting, playful, burning, loving. The past is blurred, the present is slipping away, there is no future. And where is there room for play in life if spontaneity is forbidden? Every destruction is simultaneously the construction of something new. Under Construction is Počemučka's first NGO project, it is the echo of a generation about a community, a time, a city, an idea and an anti-generation. Anti-idea.

Author: Počemučka Collective (Nataša Keser, Klemen Kovačič, Karolína Kotrbová, Aljoša Lovrić Krapež, Filip Mramor, Domen Novak, Nejc Potočan, Filip Štepec, Miranda Trnjanin)┃Cast: Nataša Keser, Klemen Kovačič, Filip Mramor, Domen Novak, Miranda Trnjanin┃Direction: Aljoša Lovrić Krapež┃Dramaturgy: Nejc Potočan┃Movement guidance: Filip Štepec┃Set and costume design: Karolína Kotrbová┃Stage management: Grega Mohorčič┃Technical support: Brina Ivanetič, Žan Rantaša┃Opening: 2021

The creators and founders of Počemučka (Aljoša Lovrić Krapež, Domen Novak, Filip Mramor and Klemen Kovačič) have been working together since 2019. They met during their studies and realised that their ideas about theatre were similar. Their first performed work Piano and Screaming (2019) was created at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. At the 12th Biennial of Puppetry Artists of Slovenia, Under Construction won the prize for text and concept, the collective prize for acting and animation and the grand prix for the best puppet production of the last two years.

 Since its foundation in 1970, the non-institutional Glej Theatre has established itself as an experimental theatre. It promotes experimental projects with a variety of different performance concepts and offers young, up-and-coming authors the opportunity to develop projects, performances and plays, with calls for submissions taking place throughout the year. Another feature of its productions is the prioritisation of the creative process over the final product and the "tolerance of mistakes".



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