In Slovenian with English surtitles, 40 minutes

Thursday, 26 Sep 2024┃15.00 & 21.30

UL AGRFT (Aškerčeva)

Target audience: 15+

Maribor Puppet Theatre (Slovenia)

Transport: Cargo shows the urgent problem of increasing road freight transport. The performance subtly raises moral and ethical questions about the value and responsibility of human beings in the context of insatiable hyper-consumerism.

The production is the first in a series of Creative Europe's Transport project by Slovenian director Tin Grabnar, which brings together six theatres from Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Poland for the 2024/2025 season. The common starting point of the cross-genre performances, which are structurally and thematically interwoven, is the issue of transport as one of the most important foundations of globalisation.

The performances are underscored by hyper-realistic miniature visualisations and complex soundscapes that involve the audience in an intimate confrontation with the pressing issues of contemporary society.

Direction: Tin Grabnar┃Dramaturgy: Ajda Rooss┃Visual and set design: Sara Slivnik┃Costume design: Tina Bonča┃Sound and music: Mateja Starič┃Light design: Gregor Kuhar┃Language guidance: Metka Damjan┃Also involved in the collection of material and the development of the content: Tjaša Bertoncelj, Ana Duša, Urša Majcen┃Cast: Vesna Vončina, Uroš Kaurin┃Opening: 2024

Coproducers: Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, Alfa Theatre, Eesti Noorsooteater, Klaipėdos Puppet Theatre, Białostocki Puppet Theatre

Maribor Puppet Theatre became a professional theatre in the 1974/75 season. It puts on performances for children and adults, organises the annual Summer Puppet Pier and hosts the most important national puppet festival (Biennial of Puppetry Artists of Slovenia), which takes place every two years. The theatre performs in Slovenia and abroad. The theatre is located in the renovated Minorite monastery in Maribor.


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